Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Top SEO Tips to Beat Google Panda in 2016

Google panda is notorious in imposing penalties to those who ignores panda SEO tips. Google Panda enjoys plucking low quality websites from SERPs. Panda picks its victim by looking for the following clues in a website: bad user experience, thin content, duplicacy, keyword stuffing and outdated posts.


How to beat google panda?

1. Increase content quality

Google panda as I have said earlier target for website that provide low quality content. In 2016, as website manager should be able to beat google panda by providing quality content. Before posting make sure that you do research of the topics of your interest and keep up with hot trending news. Developing a quality content for your target is easier but coming up with the right quality can be a challenge. Google panda usually plays nice with high quality content.

2. Panda updates

Hire the top seo company in Delhi if you want to have latest information on your website.Many people usually finds themselves on the panda penalties just because their site got information that is out of date. One of the panda SEO tips is to frequently keep your content up to date by updating or adding new content to your page.

3. Keyword density

In 2016, keep your keyword density on the right check so to avoid google panda. Panda usually calculate the ration of the content you post. Keyword stuffing is easily detected by panda. The acceptable keyword density should be around 4-6% .the rest is defined as keyword stuffing by panda. Provide enough keyword juice to your content but avoid aggravating panda.

4. Avoid duplicates 

In Google, duplicacy is referred to as plagiarism.To beat google panda avoid copying from other people content. SEO tips provide the required knowledge about how to go about sourcing information about other website.

5. Avoid automated link building tools

As a webmaster avoid using automated link building tools like comment spam. Monitor each comment and remove any old comment that may appear as spam to the update.

6. Avoid questionable sites

In 2016, avoid building backlinks on private blog networks. Panda regularly remove sites that allow guest blogging from these questionable sites.

7. Learn SEO

Be conversant with latest panda SEO tips. Without SEO, your future will remain unpredictable, as one major algorithm change can take away everything from you.

In conclusion

If you really want to get high search ranking in google, then you must the above SEO tips to beat google panda or even hire a professional SEO company in Delhi.

Friday, May 13, 2016

IntenseDebate Comments: Are they beneficial?

What is IntenseDebate comments?

IntenseDebate refers to the premier commenting system commonly available on the internet for websites and blogs. IntenseDebate commenting encourages conversations on a blog or website. The only way to engage and converse with your readers and also for them to engage each other is through blog comments.

With the numerous features on IntenseDebate, one can improve their blog commenting experience and having a high conversation rate with the readers. It organizes every comment on your blog, allowing readers to express their thoughts and opinions.

A common question among many people is whether IntenseDebate commenting is beneficial.

Let us look at some of the benefits of IntenseDebate commenting:-

1. Threaded comments

Unlike other commenting systems, IntenseDebate doesn’t struggle to balance the hierarchy of responses in an orderly way. Blog comments are well organized by this system. The threaded comments have clear places to jump into the ongoing conversation making it great for debates and high conversation rates.

2. Community self-moderation

The system has a feature that lets the community moderate the comments. Bad blog comments can be flagged or voted down encouraging high-quality comments and responses. This makes IntenseDebate commenting favorable for you since you don’t always have to be there to monitor the blog comments.

3. The rating system

IntenseDebate commenting rewards great responses and comments using the thumbs up and thumbs down feature. The best replies in the conversations can be easily floated out making it easy for you. Your best and active commenters are encouraged to continue participating.

4. Integration

IntenseDebate comments can be sent as a tweet on a post by post basis informing your followers on Twitter you’ve commented on a post. This is possible because IntenseDebate can be integrated with Twitter. It, therefore, becomes easy to get the attention of your readers hence a high conversation rate.

5. Reply by email

This feature makes IntenseDebate commenting quickly. One can quickly respond to and moderate the blog comments via email. It becomes flexible for you since you do not have to be on your computer for conversations to progress. You can respond to the comments via mail whenever you receive a notification.

Blog commenting and moderating is much easier using the IntenseDebate system. IntenseDebate comments enhance high conversation rates within your blog community. Integrations with Twitter and FriendFeed will enrich your readers experience driving more traffic to your blog. Try the experience.